please scroll down look opwdd assistant

interim Acting Commissioner  opwdd Willow Baer

position as Assistant Counsel to the Governor and from her role as Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel at the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Prior to working with OCFS, Willow spent six years at OPWDD, most recently serving as Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel. 

Willow initially joined OPWDD in 2015 as an Associate Counsel, tasked with supervising the Medicaid Fair Hearings unit and reshaping the agency’s due process notification and hearing procedures. In 2016, she was promoted to Deputy Counsel for Service Delivery and Program Compliance, where she was responsible for providing legal advice and oversight on all matters related to eligibility for and the provision of Medicaid and state-funded service delivery. She was promoted to Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel in 2018 where she worked closely with external stakeholders as well as OPWDD and Executive Chamber leadership to advance OPWDD’s priorities.

Before coming to OPWDD, Willow served in the Office of General Counsel at the NYS Justice Center and served as a County Attorney for a number of years prior to that.

Willow has spent much of her career working to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families are afforded the best service system possible to meet their wants and needs and we know she will continue to do so as Executive Deputy Commissioner

lets start

Welcome to the Front Door!

The Front Door is the way OPWDD connects you to the services you want and need. Once you enter, a person-centered planning process begins, which helps you learn about and access service options that take your needs and desires into consideration. It will also give you the chance to direct your own service plan or help your family member or loved one as they direct theirs.

The Front Door is based on the understanding that, as a person with developmental disabilities you have the right to:

  • Enjoy meaningful relationships,
  • Experience personal growth,
  • Participate in your community and,
  • Live in the home of your choice. 

Front Door staff will guide you through the steps involved in finding out if you are eligible for services with OPWDD, identify your needs, goals and preferences and help you work on a plan for getting those services.

How do I begin?

Contact the OPWDD Info line at 866-946-9733 and ask them to transfer you to your local Front Door Office by telling the operator what county you live in.  You can also view the Front Door modules below where you will learn how to access services and what types of services are available.

The first step to receiving assistance is to determine if you are eligible. Once you are determined eligible, you can begin the planning process. There are many supports and service options available, including supports to live in your home independently or with others, employment, day habilitation, and children’s services.

click front door How do I begin?

Helping You to Get the Supports and Services You Need

Planning your services — or the services for your loved one — can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the OPWDD system.

Once you have been deemed eligible for OPWDD supports and services through the Front Door process, your next step is to find a Care Manager.

The Life Plan that you and the Care Manager create together using a person-centered planning process will reflect your life goals and changing needs.



OPWDD offers two care management options, Health Home Care Management and Basic Home and Community Based Services Plan Support. People who live in the downstate region of New York State can also enroll in the FIDA-IDD program for care management.

You can find an overview of enrollment and care planning information for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities receiving OPWDD services through our Care Coordination Organization Care Management Profile.

click care coordinator organization

Types of Services


Through OPWDD, you can access supports and services that can help your family to support you to live in your family home; assistance for you to live on your own in the community of your choice; help if you want to work, take part in volunteer opportunities or other types of community involvement; and assistance accessing services you need to live your life, including connecting you to clinical or therapeutic supports.





Updated Process to Manage Certified Residential Opportunities (CRO

OPWDD is committed to supporting people to live in a home of their choice where they can be part of their community. Part of upholding that commitment is identifying residential opportunities as soon as they become available and matching those opportunities with people who need the support of certified residential services, particularly those with the most immediate needs.

To provide consistency and to enhance efficiency in this process, OPWDD is launching a multiple stage initiative to amend the process.  As part of the first stage of this work, we are proud to release an Administrative Directive Memorandum (ADM) describing how the agency will manage Certified Residential Opportunities going forward. This ADM supports the New York State regulation of OPWDD Certified Residential Opportunities which became effective in June 2023 and is focused on reducing the administrative burden historically associated with this process, resulting in a more person-centered experience for people and for providers.

This new ADM is one part of OPWDD’s short-term housing strategy outlined in the 2024 Strategic Plan Annual Report. It describes how OPWDD makes certified housing opportunities available to those who qualify for them by working in partnership with service providers and Care Coordination Organizations to connect people with the least restrictive certified housing appropriate to meet their needs.

The ADM will support the Certified Residential Opportunities process and clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities of OPWDD staff, the residential provider agencies and Care Managers and specifically indicates how:

  • Care Managers must fully explore the least restrictive housing that might be right for each person;
  • OPWDD determines if the person requesting housing needs the support of a certified home;
  • Opportunities for certified housing are made available first for those in greatest need;
  • The person requesting certified housing (and their family or representatives) must be supported to make informed choices and have their personal and cultural needs reflected in their person-centered planning; and
  • OPWDD assigns a priority level for each person based on things like the care a person needs because of their developmental disability, the availability of support from their family and friends and the risk of harm in their current home.

We recognize the importance of hearing from the public when creating guidance that will impact their lives, which is why this ADM was developed through a public comment process and with the input of a workgroup representing many perspectives. This final version represents changes made in response to that collaborative process. 


OPWDD offered trainings will be available in the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS). The SLMS will allow you to enroll in classes, print certificates and handouts, launch online learning, and view your learning history. Select the ‘Find Trainings’ link below to create an account and login.


Independent Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ombudsprogram (IDDO)

In 2023, Section § 33.28 of the New York State Mental Hygiene Law was enacted to establish the IDD Ombudsman to provide independent, conflict-free Ombudsman services to assist individuals with developmental disabilities and preserve their rights.

The IDDO’s mission is to act as a resource and advocate for individuals and families as they navigate OPWDD’s programs and services. CSS operates IDDO in partnership with one specialist agency, New York Lawyers for Public Interest (NYLPI) that provides technical assistance, training, and/or assistance to individuals and their families.

click Independent Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ombudsprogram (IDDO)


View the Self-Direction Brochure in multiple languages below. 

For more information, view the Self-Direction page

If you are a provider of services and want more information about self-direction, visit the Self-Direction for Providers page. 

Region 3 – Capital District, Hudson Valley, and Taconic

[email protected]

Region 4 – Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Queens

[email protected]

Region 5 – Long Island

[email protected]

School Transition for Students with Developmental Disabilities

Life After School

The transition from school life to adulthood is a turning point in a young person’s life. This is no different for a teenager with developmental disabilities.

Choices for the student moving from school to adult life can include continuing education, getting a job or taking part in other meaningful activities, such as volunteering and job or life-skills development.

Accessing these activities takes advance planning. OPWDD works with the New York State Education Department, school special education staff, the student’s family and Care Coordination Organization (CCO) staff to help students to plan for their transition from school and to identify the supports that they will need in adult life.

The School Administrator letter, Parent/Guardian Letter, transition planning flyer, and other information included on this page provide helpful information for you, your staff, and students with developmental disabilities and their families about OPWDD’s services and the transition planning process. Please share the documents and links on this page with: 

  • Your staff
  • 15 to 21-year-old students who you believe may be eligible for OPWDD services
  • Their parents/guardians 
  • Their teachers. 

Please encourage them to contact OPWDD’s Front Door at 866-946-9733 and view the OPWDD Front Door Videos to learn more about OPWDD eligibility and services. Students who already have OPWDD eligibility and are connected to a Care Coordination Organization (CCO) should contact their Care Manager to help them request adult services.

CLICK School Transition

Listed here are some of the resources available to students who are getting ready to move from school life to adult life and their families. For more information contact the OPWDD Infoline or email [email protected].

family support service

The Family Support Services (FSS) Program helps families who are caring at home for a relative with a developmental disability by providing aid to the caregiver, enhancing family stability and preserving family unity. 

This ADM sets out the requirements for the Family Support Services (FSS) Family Reimbursement Program. It includes eligibility requirements for reimbursement, how to request and process reimbursements, and the roles and responsibilities of FSS provider agencies, individuals, and families.  This ADM will have a 7/1/22 effective date to allow providers time to update their contracts/work plans and allow for training within the Regional offices and provider community.

click on Family Reimbursement

click Family Support Services (FSS) Family Reimbursement 2024

click other information

In addition, a Statewide Family Support Services Committee made up of one representative from each of the nineteen local Family Support Services Advisory Councils  advises OPWDD regarding families’ support needs and the design, implementation and monitoring of Family Support Services. Upcoming meetings of the Statewide Family Support Services Committee are listed on our Public Meetings page or Brooklyn FSS Guide

If you would like to learn more about the local Family Support Services Advisory Councils or the Statewide Family Support Services Committee, or if you would like


if you would like to get involved go to BFSSAC & STATEWIDE FSSAC


Helping You to Get the Supports and Services You Need

Planning your services — or the services for your loved one — can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the OPWDD system.

Once you have been deemed eligible for OPWDD supports and services through the Front Door process, your next step is to find a Care Manager.

The Life Plan that you and the Care Manager create together using a person-centered planning process will reflect your life goals and changing needs. 

CLICK Helping You to Get the Supports and Services You Need

All Reportable Incidents must be reported by telephone to OPWDD’s Incident Management Unit 518-473-7032 

Reportable Incidents of Abuse and Neglect include but are not limited to physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, as well as other prohibited conduct such as deliberate inappropriate use of restraint, and neglect. Reportable Significant Incidents include but are not limited to medication errors that result in adverse effects, use of seclusion, mistreatment, missing person, and choking events. These definitions are explained in detail in the Part 624 Handbook.


General Information

Dial 7-1-1 to reach New York Relay for people who are hard of hearing or who have a speech disability. Read our Accessibility statement.

Report suspected instances of Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse anonymously by using our online form.  

If you need to speak with someone in a different language, please state your language for the operator.

Contact us by phone:

Information Line 866-946-9733

Contact us by email:

[email protected]

Mailing Address:

44 Holland Ave. Albany NY 12229 

Long Island 

General Information Long Island

New York City 

General Information Queens

General Information Brooklyn 

General Information Manhattan  

General Information Bronx 

General Information Staten Island  

Western NY 
Phone: 716-517-2057
Email: [email protected]
Counties served: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara & Orleans

Phone: 718-217-5110
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 718-642-6310
Email: [email protected]

Bronx & New York 
Phone: 718-430-0710
Email:[email protected]

Staten Island 
Phone: 718-983-5433
Email: [email protected]

Long Island 
Phone: 631-326-4497
Email: [email protected]
Counties served: Nassau & Suffolk

get know brooklyn family support service advisory council website

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If you have any question email [email protected]

or contact us 718-264-5084 during hours monday to friday 9:30am to 5:30pm